Adult female is experiencing severe neck and lt shoulder pain. Unable to move head in any direction due to pain. She has a history of trauma to the neck several years ago. Trauma resulted in 2 cervical disc bulges. She has experienced neck pain on and off for years but never this severe.
On exam her cervical (neck) range of motion is limited to barely being able to move the head. Unable to raise her lt arm due to neck and shoulder pain. Compression and distraction to the neck increase the neck and arm pain. Mis-alignments (subluxatons) are evident at C1, C5 and C6. Spasms in the splenius capitis, levator scapulae, sternocleidomastoid, trapezius, rhomboids and T erectors. Tender over the lt supra spinatus tendon and muscle belly.
Pt was suffering from torticollis complicated by cervical disc degeneration and lt supraspinatus impingement.
We reduced subluxatons to the spine and lt shoulder. Active release of the lt shoulder. Percussion to the C and upper T musculature. Muscle Stim with ice to the neck and upper back.
After one visit she was able to rotate and laterally bend her neck with minimal pain and elevate her lt arm. 2 weeks later her pain was mostly resolved. Pt will require consistent chiropractic care to limit the progression of arthritis in her neck.
Home work consisted of heat, posture and lt shoulder exercise followed by ice.
Chiropractic is amazing!
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